[trunk r.3775] Layout wrong in print-outs, PDF and Page Settings
Setup: trunk rev. 3775 under:
Ubuntu 10.04, Qt SDK 10.02 (Qt lib 4.6.2)
Windows XP w/ SP3, Qt SDK 2010.04 (Qt Creator 2.0.0, Qt lib 4.7.0)
1) Open any score or create a sample score with just one instrument and default settings
2) Open the "Layout | Page Settings" dlg box
The Page Preview shows the score musical contents displaced waaaay to the lower part of the page.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, the same layout error occurs also in print-outs and in PDF's (generated with "Save as...").
Expected result: The layout is the same as in the main score view.
fixed in r3779
Wow! This was FAST!
Thank you!
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.