Diffulty editing multiple similarly-named documents at once

• Oct 16, 2015 - 21:02

I have a document that exists in three different formats in the same directory: "score.mus" is an old Finale document, "score.xml" is a new MusicXML document as exported by Finale, and "score.mscz", which is a currently-empty MuseScore document.

My intention is to have "score.mscz" and "score.xml" open in separate tabs, and to work by copying music from the latter which I'll paste into the former. (This is how I intend to convert some legacy Finale documents into MuseScore.)

Unfortunately, I can't seem to have both of those loaded at once. I think that perhaps because their filenames are identical except for the extension, they both load into the same tab.

Is this a bug?


That's odd—I have no trouble opening up two files with the same name at the same time. What operating system are you using, and how are you trying to open the files (e.g., opening a folder and double-clicking their icons, using File -> Open from within MuseScore, or something else)?

And by the way, is there any reason you're copying and pasting from one file to another, rather than just opening the MusicXML file in MuseScore and saving it directly as an MSCZ?

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