Join scores using the Album function

• Oct 26, 2015 - 12:07

I want to put the scores
- "Nr. 1 Der Morgenruf.mscz"
- "Nr. 2 Fasten.mscz"
- "Nr. 6 Perle.mscz" and
- "Nr. 9 Stimmen des Gartens.mscz"
into one single score using the Album function for getting a choral score of J.G. Rheinbergers "Vom goldenen Horn". I have already put them into an Album called "Chorpartitur.album", but if I click on "Join Scores" MuseScore crashes. The file "Chorpartitur.mscz" does exist afterwards, but it doesn´t work.
What could I do? I´ve attached the 4 files and the (not-working) file "Chorpartitur.mscz".


Your 1st Score has a staff less than (one of) the others. Try using the attached one as your 1st score and all should be well.
I've attached the resulting file too now
For less instruments MuseScore gives a warning, but you had Tenor as one 'instrument' with 2 staves in one of the subsequent scores. The lack of getting a warning in this case too, but a crash instead, is a bug, worth being filed in the issue tracker.
Well, maybe not, as the current nighly builds don't crash on it and don't create the joined score at all.

Attachment Size
Nr. 1 Der Morgenruf.mscz 32.77 KB
Chorpartitur.mscz 60.65 KB

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