Moving notes in a chord to another staff

• Oct 29, 2015 - 18:09

I have several planned projects that involve orchestrating SATB vocal arrangements. These arrangements are in the public domain, and MIDI files are available for them. However, the MIDI import typically puts the soprano line in the treble clef and everything else in the bass clef. Is there a way I can select a group of alto notes and move them to the treble clef? I'm hoping to find a less cumbersome way to handle this than deleting each alto note from the bass clef and manually adding it to the treble clef.

Being able to move notes between layers would be helpful in this task, too.

Faith Is the Victory _ Raw MIDI Import.png


If the examples are all this simply, I guess you could use the Explode feature (see the Handbook under Tools) to explode into four separate staves, then re-combine them as desired using copy & paste. Might be better to find better MIDI files, though - ones where the separation has already been performed correctly.

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