Problem with different voice in one score

• Jan 30, 2011 - 13:45

I have a problem when typing notes in MuseScore

1. Can I set the start bar is from number 0 instead of number 1?
2. Suppose, I want to write 4 kind of voice (SATB) in the first 17 bar. And then, in the 18th bar, I want to add 1 more voices: baritone. But, I don't want this baritone bar is visible in the 20th bar until the end of my score, because baritone is only needed in the bar 18 and 19. Can I have something like that?

Please help me. Thank you very much.


1/ Right click on the first measure -> Measure properties and decrease the "add to page number" spinner to -1
2/ Create a score with 5 staves or add an instrument (Create -> Instrument). Complete your score and go to Style -> Edit global style -> Score -> hide empty staves

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