Triplet offering changes to semiquavers

• Jan 31, 2011 - 01:44

1. Create 4/4 piano score.
2. Create four crotchet rests.
3. Highlight first crotchet, press 'Apple' and '3'.
4. Highlight next crotchet, press 'Apple' and '3'.

Desired behaviour: Quaver rests appear within the triplets.
Actual behaviour: Semiquaver rests appear within the triplets.

Using MuseScore 1.0.0 pre-release 2 (3949) and Mac 10.4.11.


The tuplet behavior changes depending on whether you are in note entry mode or not. If you are not in note entry mode then triplets divide the selected note into three. If you are in note entry mode the triplets divide the duration you have selected in the Note Entry toolbar.

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