Hello everybody,
I have big problems to run Plugins in Musescore 2.0.2 on Linux Mint 16.
I also installed the ubuntu-sdk. But I always get the following message for the helloqml Plugin:
QQmlComponent: Component is not ready
creating component failed
line 1: module "QtQuick" is not installed
I know a lot of people already posted this question. But actually I'm not able to fix it with the existing manuals....maybe I'm too stupid :-(
Can somebody help me to get the Plugins to run? A detailled "HOW TO" step by step description would be wonderful!
The reason why i want to get Plugins to run is the trumpetfingering.qml Plugin.
Thanks for your help!!
I believe you'd have to install the missing corresponting Qt package for this. As dar as I'm aware it is a known problem in MuseScore's package, that Qt-Quick is missing as a dependenciy, so doesn't get installed automagically
In reply to I believe you'd have to by Jojo-Schmitz
Ok Thx,
where/how can i download ist? And how can i fix the missing dependency?
In reply to Ok Thx, where/how can i by tutut
You can't fix the missing dependency, only the package maintainer can. But you can install the missung dependency, if you find it, sorry can't help there...
In reply to You can't fix the missing by Jojo-Schmitz
Does it work with an other kernel? I really need this tumpetfingering feature and i will upgrade my system, if it helps.
Otherwise I have to switch to windows :-(
In reply to Does it work with an other by tutut
I don't think the kernel has got anything to do with this. You simply need tge qt package that contains QtQuick. A quick qoogle search on Qt-Quick and Mint threw up qtdeclarative5-qtquick2-plugin
In reply to I don't think the kernel has by Jojo-Schmitz
already installed the
But it doesn't work. How could i get to work?
is there reall no way to fix it? Does it work with an other Linux mint version?
I know Mint and ubuntu are related but that's as far as I know with Mint. Using ubuntu, however, I know that even if I have upgraded Qt I still might not get programs to work because I forgot to include the new Qt directory in the PATH (old Qt was in one directory and new Qt in a very similarly-named directory). One of the thing to check, therefore, is that your PATH includes the Qt directory.
As for an alternative OS, I have MuseScore running on xubuntu 15.10 on one machine and with ubuntu studio on another. I think key difference here is that 15.10 has more up-to-date packages out of the box than Mint 17.
In reply to I know Mint and ubuntu are by underquark
Know i fixed the Problems with the Plugins for Musescore under Linux mint....it was a long and a hard way for me...but now it works!!!. Maybe i installed too many things, but it doesnt matter to me...it works!
Here a step by step manual:
1.) install ubunutu-sdk from synaptic packet manager
2.) download qt-unified-linux-x64-2.0.2-2-online.run from http://qt-project.org/downloads and install it to standard path (just run the skript)
3.) add Path for QT to your bash:
first enter in terminal : "gedit ~/.bashrc"
then i added the line at the beginning of the file.
the whole file looks now like this:
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME" ] ; then
export PATH="$HOME:$PATH:
after that, just start musescore from terminal with "musescore"
Thanks for your help
In reply to hI @ALL Know i fixed the by tutut
The following resolved the issue for me on ubuntu bionic:
sudo apt-get install qtquickcontrols2-5-dev