Import a scanned score

• Feb 4, 2011 - 16:10

Hello. New to this forum and if the subject that I propose has already been discussed, please excuse and direct me to those postings. My question is this: With MUSESCORE; can I scan an existing score, import those scans into MUSESCORE and create individual parts. EXAMPLE: I am a trombonist and have many scores of trombone quartet and ensemble music. However, I do not have the individual parts and would like to generate those parts. If anyone has had success with MUSESCORE or any other software, please advise.
Thank, Frankhjb



I have a MacX and use Photoshop 6 to read score. Save as XML and Musescore opens it.
I am making a score 20 staves deep and 350 bars long. Musescore handles it well, although when cutting and pasting, it tends to copy lyrics and chord symbols, which I dont want. Doing so slows the programme down considerably

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