Help for Repeat Marks

• Jan 10, 2016 - 06:19

I know that functionality of repeat marks is a common topic, but after perusing the help, I am still stuck.

I want to use Musescore to make an accompaniment for this song, so I need the repeats to work and not just print on paper.

Attachment Size
This Is My Body.mscz 15.58 KB


The notation is not correct. There needs to be an ending repeat after the first volta, or else neither MuseScore nor the human musicians playing the chart will understand what they are to do at the end of it (although a human might happen to guess correctly). You have a DC there, but that's not what they are intended for - this should be a simple repeat.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Mark, I tried changing the double bar || to a repeat mark :|| as you suggested.

I don't know why the original publication didn't use a repeat mark there, but all I did was just slavishly copy the book.

At any rate, nothing changed. The DC has always played correctly (regardless of whether section one ends with || or :|| ).

The repeated ||: ending :|| (a very simple repeat notated similarly to music I have seen in dozens of books) fails to repeat. That is my issue. NOT the DC, but the simple ||: repeat :|| at the very end.

It isn't supposed to return to the top from there, as someone else's post* suggested. It is a simple repeat. All that should repeat is between the ||: repeat marks :|| .

(* I respectfully ask that you take care to respond to the notation I submitted. Critiquing one another's proposed corrections and attributing those to me seems to have become a trend that is throwing the thread off the rails.)

Thanks so much!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That DOES play the way I intended. Thank you, Mark. I had misunderstood that you were saying the double bar verses the :|| bar was the reason, but I realize now that you were saying that the D. C. itself is the issue.

The way that you wrote it is the way that it would occur to me to notate it if I were composing from scratch, but since I'm a noob at composing/arranging, I credited the book editors for understanding something that I didn't. I gather from what I've learned here that the book is in error.

Thanks for having the patience to drill it in until I got the point. :-)


In reply to by sbdunn

No problem. Actually, it's the combination of the missing repeat and spurious DC that is the reason.

The book notation sort of technically makes sense, and someone might be able to figure it out, but it is extremely non-standard, and MuseScore doesn't deal well with non-standard uses of these symbols. If you want oplayback to come out rightl it helps to use symbols in expected ways. And this will also be appreciated by the human performers. They might eventualy realize the intent of the original notation, but there will be lots of head-scratching and train wrecks in rehearsal / performance until everyone figures it out.

In reply to by sbdunn

Hi there. This is very unusual as I am normally the one begging Jojo or Marc to help. This is the first time i think I've ever been able to offer someone the help.
Marc is absolutely correct in his assertion that no one on this planet would get your repeats correctly.
They would however if they looked like my attachment.

hope that helps...

and as an edit to my reply,
You have a DS in bar 27 which would take 'you' back to bar 12. So why the DC in bar 8? (which I admit I missed in my original reply)

2nd edit coming up.... I've tried to 2nd guess your intentions and this is what I have come up with. (see 2nd attachment of your score....)


Thanks again for your responses, but this conversation has gone completely off the rails.

Aside from the fact that these are not "my" repeats but exactly the way it appears in the publication, two things are preventing us from reaching a helpful answer:

First, several proposed corrections have been submitted, and the responses are confusing the proposed corrections with my original submission. E.g., my submission does NOT contain both a DS and a DC.

Secondly, those who do respond to my original are getting preoccupied with the DC, WHICH MUSESCORE PLAYS CORRECTLY.

The part that fails to repeat is the simple repeat at the end, the part notated as ||: ending :||
I don't understand how the meaning of that would not be obvious to anyone.

So, please I need help, but the problem is with the simple repeats at the end ||: ending :||
Whether you like the DC or not, let's please let that slide until we can deal with the actual playback problem.

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