Newest Nightly

• Feb 20, 2011 - 15:55

I would like to know which nightly build for windows I should download. I would like to test out the guitar string bending and slides, and I do not know if they are all the same. My instinct is to download the last one, mscoreNightly-r4043.7z but I wanted to check with others to make sure this was the right one.

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WhichNightly.png 166.06 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you I must have skipped over that on accident.

I downloaded the 7zip application. Now when I open the 7zip and click on the file mscoreNightly-r4043.7z it opens this folder. So I click on Bin. Then I clicked on nightly.exe and an error comes up.
I think I have to download it again. I'll try that later.

Thank you for your help.

Attachment Size
error.png 259.15 KB

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