UI right search box

• Jan 15, 2016 - 23:30


Just a little glitch in the website's right search box (as represented in the attachment). I'm not sure if I'm the only one experiencing this.

When I enter text in this search box and then click on the magnifying glass icon, nothing happens. If I move the mouse pointer over the lower left corner of the square that contains the mag. glass, then on my browser bottom status line (I'm using IE 10) do appears the URL of the search (, and the search works if I click on this point.

No big deal :-) but just curious to know if I'm the only one experiencing this. I tried changing in IE the "Zoom" (my default is at 100%) , but behaves the same. The other searchbox (the searchbox that appears centered on the page, as a result of a search) always works okay.

Attachment Size
CaptureS.GIF 19.77 KB


It works fine for me. I do also notice the status bar is not showing text when the cursor is in the center of the mag. glass but a click still triggers the search function. I'm using Edge. Also checked IE 11 and Chrome, both working fine as well.

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