Glitch with editing
There is something wrong behind the scenes when editing notes in a measure. I think when I use SHIFT-ARROW to move things around, at some point the program will no longer faithfully reproduce/play the measure as it appears. I need to exit MuseScore and restart it to get back to a point where what is played represents the written notes. This is not corrected by deleting the measure and recreating it.
Along those lines there really needs to be a better what to alter timing. If I feel that I need to change an 8th to a 16th, I'd like there to be a way then that I can add the time to the following note or to another within the measure. A rest appears and I suppose that if there weren't an issue with moving that along (SHIFT-ARROW) I could absorb it elsewhere in the measure by moving the rest after a note and lengthening the one before it.
However, when you select any two notes in a measure it would be nice to select a new duration and have that apply to the left hand note and the difference in time then be added or removed from the other selected note. This would keep the measure timing in tact and make adjustment to the score straight forward.
Tweaking a written measure to better represent how it is being played is cumbersome. It leads to a little frustration and wasted time.
It is just a thought but there is some kind of bug behind the scenes.
GIT commit: f51dc11
Most likely the glitch you are seeing is #88291: Shift left/right command in note input create corrupt timing if durations do not match, already fixed for the next release by disallowing the operation in the cases where it would have failed. The command is really only intended for quick swaps between similar notes, not for wholesale rearrangements of measures.
If you think you are seeing somethi different, please post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the issue. Otherwise, we can close this issue as a duplicate.
As for the more general question about changing durations, Musescore assumes - as is very often the case - that when you change the duration of a notw, you want to change as little as possible about the rest of the measure. So it tries to leave other notes exactly where they were. If you actually want to move other notes earlier or later in time, simply do that via cut and paste. That way you are in complete control of which notes move and where they they move to.
If you have further questions on this or another topic, please use the support forum.
The first paragraph explains the same problem with #88291: Shift left/right command in note input create corrupt timing if durations do not match, and the rest is a suggestion which is considered not to be implemented in various other threads.