Allow adding chord notes to breves

• Feb 9, 2016 - 10:40

Current behaviour:
- Push n
- Push 8
- Push c
- Push shift + e
-> Musecore adds the e later than the c

Expected behaviour:
Muscore adds the e on top of the c to form a chord

Musescore 2.0.2.
Windows 10.


Not specific to breves, this works fine in 8/4 timesig for example.

Another reproduction method:
1. Start a new score with all default settings (so in 4/4)
2. Hit N 6 0 C
3. Hit Shift+E

Real issue: Adding a note with Shift + note only adds to the last note of a tied representation instead of to the just entered full length of the tied note.

Real question: can MuseScore be made smarter to use the note entry length on tied notes? I can imagine there are also real use cases in which the current behavior is the desired behavior (in build-up chords for example)

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