Default Fretboard Missing?

• Feb 11, 2016 - 02:22

I am a beginner in several ways.
I am endeavoring to write a simple sing along score with some guitar chords.

Starting with the default First Score.
1. Edit > Workspaces > Advanced
2. View>Master Palette
The last line in the drop down list is "Symbols."

No sign or indication of "Fretboard Diagrams." as shown on page 213 of "Mastering MuseScore.

Am I in the right place?

Do I need to do something else to access the default diagram?

I tried repeating the above sequence after adding Classical Guitar and Guitar Tabs as Instruments.

That did not bring the palate either.

I did find the fretboard diagram in the symbols palate, but after dragging in and placing it above the stave I could not figure out how to add notes.

Thanks for any thoughts towards this issue and building basic skills.


Welcome, Mike! The Master Palette is the wrong place to be. You want the regular (non-Master) palettes, which should be on the left side of the window by default. If not, you can bring the palettes back via the View menu (listed above Master Palette). It should look like this:

Screen Shot.png

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Thanks for the prompt response. Found it easily.

With this experience I easily found the section in the help manual..

I suggest you clarify this in the next edition of the book, for mission driven types like me (starting in the middle more often than not :)..)

I suggest a lead in the first part of C19 including references to the two types of palates and cross references to the key sections. That would have helped me, most likely.

Again thanks for the detailed support and solution.
BTW. I have been banging around computers since the arrival of the first transistor, dating myself, CA 1959, 8th grade in USA schools.

Musescore is one of the finest programs I have ever seen. Same goes for the documentation. And, oh, at any price.

Good work and thanks million to all who have plowed so much volunteer work into this project.

I came in knowing little of music, playing, reading.....

Musescore has DRAMATICALLY helped me advance my understanding of key concepts...

Musescore is a top-notch experience in every way.

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