using beams

• Feb 15, 2016 - 06:13

I have been trying to use beams to join quavers in my score but even following all the instructions I can find online I have not been able to make the Beam properties work in the pallette. No matter how much I double click and drag I can't get anything except single quavers.


You should never have to use Beam Properties to beam your quavers (eighth notes) together - that should happen by default. Are you sure you are actually entering quavers and not crotchets? You need to select the quaver icon (or use keybaord shortcut "4") when entering the notes. Even though the icon shows a flag, it will beam automatically as appropriate.

If this does not solve your problem, please psot the specific score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am trying to use 4/4 time and when I select a quaver (I am definitely using a quaver and not a crochet) it inserts a single quaver and a quaver rest... I am trying to use a group of two quavers, a crochet and a minim in the bar.
Could it be because I originally used all whole notes and then when back to try and edit the score?

In reply to by Music Granny

You wrote:
'it inserts a single quaver and a quaver rest... I am trying to use a group of two quavers'

The single quaver will, of course, have a flag. It is when you enter the very next quaver that the connecting beam gets drawn.

Posting your score with an explanation of what steps you perform and what you expect to see would be a big help.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

In reply to by Music Granny

See above, and try the following:

1) enter note input mote
2) select quaver icon (with flag)
3) press "C" to enter a C - this enters a single quaver C, with flag
4) press "D" to enter a D - this enters a qauver D, which is automatically beamed to the preceding C
5) select crotchet icon
6) press "E" to enter an E - this enters a crotchet E
7) select minim icon
8) press "F" to enter an F - this enters a minim F

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