I need help with melodies

• Feb 17, 2016 - 17:02

I did the melody to the song "Comin' In on a Wing and a Prayer" , but I made mistakes. Someone can please check my work and tell what mistakes I made ?

Attachment Size
Comin.mscz 32.03 KB
additional_1.jpg 1.03 MB


Not sure what you want to have checked. Do you want to have all your entries checked against the score?
I spotted there are 3 measures which should be half the length the currently are. The first measure and the two measures before the chorus.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

To change the measures (bars), you can follow these steps:
1. Select the rest in the first measure/bar
2. In the menu go to: Edit -> Bar -> Split Bar
3. Select the second measure/bar
4. In the menu go to: Edit -> Bar -> Delete Selected Bars
This has now resolved the issue with the first measure/bar.
Repeat these steps for bar 21 and 22.

EDIT: There is an easier method for the above as well, right click the bar/measure and select properties. Change the duration to 1 / 2.

Second issue I noticed, last 4 bars should be a 1st and 2nd Volta.
To add this:
1. Select bar 61 and 62
2. Double click the Prima Volta icon in the Lines Palettes.
3. Select bar 63 and 64
4. Double click the Seconda Volta icon in the Lines Palettes.

Hope this helps you.

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