For Some reason, Muscore has gone Haywire

• Feb 20, 2016 - 16:42

Okay, so I was working on several of my scores. Now, everytime I edit certain lines (cresendos and diminuendos) those boxes that are either transparent or blue depending on what part you select, when I hit shift+→, they are several measures ahead of the line. Also, I am getting cresendos and diminuendos in weird places. When I select them, the offsets read high numbers like 64.90. I did not edit them like that. Musescore 2.0.2 worked perfectly until now.


Presumably the issue is with those specific lines in those specific scores, so we'd need you attach one in order to understand.

There have a small handful of other reports of lines misadjusting after saving and reloading a score, but nothing anyone has ever been able to reliably reproduce. I am wondering if somehow the measure layout has changed since you made the adjsutment - like a measure that was one one system is now on the enxt or previous system - so a manual adjsutment that made sense before doesn't any more.

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