MIDI editor/sequencer

• Mar 25, 2011 - 16:38

Can anyone recommend a serviceable freeware MIDI editor/sequencer? It would need to utilize "sound fonts" vs. separate sound modules.

My focus is tweaking midi files created by MuseScore. Although MuseScore does a remarkable job, sometimes I need a sequencer to add final touches. It would have to display in something approximating staff notation, although if it also displayed in piano roll, etc., that would be fine, but I probably would use only the staff notation. Also, I have little real interest in recording live performances.

I used CakeWalk for many years in conjunction with several sound modules and it did about everything I needed. But they are not being very cooperative on giving me a price break for an upgrade. Also, I am reluctant to spend much on an elaborate package because I am no longer creating commercial recordings. I am recently retired and would fall more into the category of a "home user" these days.


In reply to by xavierjazz

I've done these sort of searches, and am frankly amazed at how weak the options are. MusE would of course be great, if it ran on anyhting but Linux. There doesn't seem to be consensus favorite the way MuseScore is for notation, and the various options I checked out are all *incredibly* weak compared to even the cheapest commercial offering. The best options I found in an afternoon of searching seemed to me to be Anvil Studio for the editing, and then VLC media player for playback. Anvil Studio isn't open source, but it's freeware.

If anyone else finds better options, I'd love to know about them, too.

In reply to by MR_Jazz_Acap

What specific stuff do you have in mind? MuseScore is a notation program, not a sequencer, so most of a sequencer's features wouldn't make sense to include in MuseScore any more than they would make sense to include in a word processor. But some might, and those features are more likely to be included if your provide more explanation of what you'd like to see and how you envision it working in the context of a notation program as opposed to a sequencer.

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