Animesh7's blog

GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 7
2 days ago • 0 comments


Last week I continued on building the "Notehead color" option and was able to get the functionality up & running. I also have received feedback on my other PR i.e. Score Style Preset so I will be focusing on incorporating the relevant changes.

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Score style preset dropdown and functionality is working and done.
2. Added UI for the "Notehead scheme" option in

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Animesh7 GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 6
1 week ago • 0 comments


Last week I continued on building the "Notehead scheme" option and was able to get the functionality up & running. I also received some feedback for the note properties panel notehead option and I have updated the implementation for that.

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Score style preset dropdown and functionality is working and done.
2. Added UI for the "Notehead scheme" option in score accessibility panel.

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Animesh7 GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 5
2 weeks ago • 0 comments


Last week I continued on building the "Notehead scheme" option. It is still a work in progress. I was able to implement the "FigureNotes Stage 3" in the Notehead scheme dropdown in the properties for notes and it is working. Once I am done with getting the accessibility panel notehead scheme dropdown working, will double check with my mentor if we need to change the figurenotes shapes. I also, figured out the way to update the color option so

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Animesh7 GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 4
3 weeks ago • 0 comments


Last week I continued on building the "Notehead scheme" option. It is still a work in progress. Also, separated out the PRs for the Score style preset option and the notehead scheme.

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Score style preset dropdown and functionality is working and done.
2. Added UI for the "Notehead scheme" option in score accessibility panel.
3. Did the refactoring of the code for

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Animesh7 GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 3
1 month ago • 0 comments


This week I continued building the "Score style preset" functionality and fixing issues there. I was successful in getting the functionality working. Also, I did start with UI changes for the "Notehead scheme" option.

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Score style preset dropdown and functionality is working and done.
2. Added UI for the "Notehead scheme" option in score accessibility panel.
3. Fixed issues from the last

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GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 2

1 month ago • 0 comments


This week I was building the required backend classes to support the functionality of "Score Style Preset".

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Implemented the C++ model for score accessibility.
2. Added the functionality for loading the different Modified Stave Notations.
3. Fixed UI issues from first week.

All codes are up for review here in the draft PR:

Key accomplishments this week
Updated the PR with

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GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 1

1 month ago • 0 comments


I started by creating the UI for the first phase of the project - the creation of an empty accessibility panel and adding the first dropdown option, i.e., score style preset, last week.

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Starter code for the panel, i.e., creation of the empty accessibility panel.
2. Added the score style preset option.

All codes are up for review here:

Key accomplishments

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GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore

1 month ago • 1 comment


I am Animesh, currently pursuing my Masters in Computer Science in Ireland. I am excited to start with my contributions under Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with MuseScore for the project “Accessibility Profiles”.

This is actually my second GSoC with MuseScore! In 2018 I worked on the OMR Machine Learning Dataset project mentored by Nicolas Froment.

Project Goal

The fundamental goal of the Accessibility Profiles project is to make the experience of reading music notation in MuseScore Studio more

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GSoC 2018 - Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 14

5 years ago • 1 comment

Hey! :D
This is my last week report under GSoC 2018. We have implemented all the important symbols annotation that OMR needed. Presented Herve with some missing symbols during the testing, on the issue tracker. The application works fine with all the OMR changes on master but we are still into resolving the issues with 2.3.2. I'm in touch for further queries, implementation refinement and issue tackling that will come our way. Final analysis:

Below is the segmented status of

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GSoC 2018 - Machine Learning Dataset for OMR - Week 13

5 years ago • 0 comments

I worked on refining the code as well as resolving issues that came in the way. I'm currently on diving deep into the matter as I can find few issues for 3 scores. Busy with finding the root cause for it. Also focusing on getting OMR updates for imeta working on 2.3.2. Coming to this weeks analysis:

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We are done with:
1. Porting the OMR work

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