GSoC 2024 Project: Accessibility Profiles for MuseScore - Week 11

Posted 7 months ago


This week I worked on the feedbacks on score style preset PR as well was working on rebasing all my other PR with the updates for score style preset (which has changed a lot in last couple of weeks). That is a WIP currently. I plan to update those PRs in a day or two. Also, as we are around the closure time, will align my energy mostly onto getting these PRs reviewed and on a separate branch will start working on the style dialog changes.

Below is the segmented status of the project:

Current status of the project
We have completed:
1. Score style preset dropdown and functionality is working and done.
2. Added UI for the "Notehead scheme" option in score accessibility panel.
3. Did the refactoring of the code for easy tracking.
4. Added "FigureNotes Stage 3" option in the notehead scheme dropdown under properties panel.
5. Incorporated the feedback for "FigureNotes Stage 3" option under note properties panel.
6. Implemented the notehead scheme option in the accessibility panel, updated the staff properties advanced style properties to have the updated notehead option.
7. Implemented the notehead color option in the accessibility panel.
8. Working on the feedbacks for Score Style Preset dropdown.
9. Implemented necessary changes for the Score Style Preset dropdown.

All codes are up for review here in the draft PR -
Score style preset option:
Notehead scheme option:
Notehead color option:

Key accomplishments this week
Incorporated feedback on ScoreStylePreset and updated the PR.


Tasks in coming week
Work on correctly rebasing the other branches + incorporate the learnings from the first PR in those. Also, plan to raise the Style Dialog PR this week with some foundational changes.

Have a Good Day,