My GSOC Project Description

Posted 7 years ago

The project idea that I would like to implement is a start-up wizard for MuseScore. This idea stems from the idea of implementing keyboard layouts and shortcut management. Every MuseScore user has a different profile. At the beginning of the program, we could ask users different questions to help configure MuseScore better for their use. Some of these questions include a user’s language, keyboard layout or their level. We could then use this information to toggle settings and set up MuseScore in a way that enhances their process of writing scores. The wizard will be available to users after setting up in the form of an easy-to- use configuration panel that can aid users in their score writing process. Every user uses MuseScore differently. This project idea helps mold MuseScore into a tool that can better aid users. By setting up the application to suit the user’s style, we can make a user’s score writing process more efficient. One of the biggest aspects of this project idea is implementing shortcut management for different keyboard layouts. Although the present keyboard shortcuts are extremely useful, a wide variety of MuseScore users cannot reap their benefits. The implementation of this project idea will enable users with different international keyboard layouts to use keyboard shortcuts as well.