GSoC 2017 - Startup Wizard - Weekly Report 4 - Jun 25th

Posted 7 years ago


The main focus of my work this week was saving and loading shortcut lists. The feature allows users to save their customized shortcut lists from the preferences menu as an xml file on their computer and load it as required.

Key Accomplishments Last Week:
1. Completed the implementation for the save button in the shortcut preferences dialog. After the users make changes to their default shortcut lists, they can save these customizations as xml files on their computer.
2. Completed the implementation for the load button in the shortcut preferences dialog. The load button allows users to load their saved xml files.
3. Began working on a better error handling system. Since the saving and loading feature now requires user interaction, error messages have to be communicated to the user in a proper fashion.

Key Tasks That Stalled:
1. Error handling. The current implementation is still rudimentary. It needs to be improved to succinctly communicate error messages to the user.
2. The startup dialog to identify the user’s keyboard layout must only be shown once. The dialog currently shows up every time and needs to be modified appropriately.

Tasks in the Upcoming Week:
1. Work on the error handling system to make the save/load functionality robust and error-free.
2. Modify the startup dialog so that it asks for the user’s keyboard layout only once, and then only if required (such as in the case of a factory reset).