
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Modularizing MuseScore shoogle 14 4 years ago
Issue Crash on deleting two staff type changes at the same location ecstrema 15 4 years ago
Issue Adjustment handles don't disappear immediately after undoing adding element Howard-C 10 4 years ago
Issue Access to Scoreview and Repeats list with plugins vgStef 6 4 years ago
Issue Mixer is not working Dias Dias 2 4 years ago
Issue [MacOS] Inputting notes results in a cracking noise t.s.m 25 4 years ago
Issue The Octobass; an instrument 2 octaves below the cello, in the Bass clef 15mb. HaHaOpera 19 4 years ago
Issue Assertion failure on adding instrument change in score with parts dmitrio95 16 4 years ago
Forum topic Musescore compile on MacOS 10.14 (Qt version 5.12.2) Borziborz 24 4 years ago
Issue Iterating over elements with Alt+right in score with MM rest shows weird barlines, crash is possible dmitrio95 6 4 years ago
Issue Actions applied during text editing more automatically revert on return to normal mode AaronDorfmanMusic 16 4 years ago
Forum topic Documenting and possibly extending the SF3 format mweseloh 4 4 years ago
Issue Crash when adding text in a score containing middle beam on a rest dgrundman3 7 4 years ago
Issue Accidental::isMicrotonal() function name is misleading dmitrio95 1 4 years ago
Issue Memory leaks in exporting MIDI njvdberg 1 4 years ago
Issue Crash upon exiting tempo text edit Dragonlord0007 2 4 years ago
Issue [macOS] Opening score with dragging sometimes lead to crash Anatoly-os 5 4 years ago
Issue Plugins are not run correctly when running musescore in converter mode. harries.adam 7 4 years ago
Issue In Windows Explorer, files with special characters in filepath don't open when double-clicked emagnier 28 4 years ago
Issue Crash when using palette item upon a staff-text worldwideweary 14 4 years ago
Issue Tour dialogs overlap with the highlighted area dmitrio95 16 4 years ago
Issue presets on banks >0 are not saved in score s.chriscollins 12 4 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 3.4.1 won't open on macOS 10.15.3 wdedmon67 3 4 years ago
Issue Select-all [Palette Search] text upon utilizing shortcut command for fresh searching worldwideweary 5 4 years ago
Issue repeat sign when add lines Anzick 6 4 years ago