
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Stems too long for chords with single-note tremolo Howard-C 4 4 years ago
Forum topic 3.5 alpha tremolos and stem direction SteveBlower 4 4 years ago
Forum topic Question about the column on the left zhanghy353 1 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.4 Beta Release Anatoly-os 84 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.3 Release Anatoly-os 105 4 years ago
Issue Very dim pictures on Sunny2019 11 4 years ago
Issue Glissandos across system breaks can point in wrong direction if there is a hidden staff olamb 5 4 years ago
Issue Cross-page glissandos don't display normally Howard-C 18 4 years ago
Issue Disable courtesy clef doesn't restore layout of previous system Howard-C 5 4 years ago
Issue Changing clef with courtesy disabled changes courtesy but not main clef kuwitt 12 4 years ago
Issue Crash on copying a measure Number ecstrema 6 4 years ago
Issue Allow user to choose whether or not hide brackets which span to a single staff when empty staves are hidden Howard-C 94 4 years ago
Issue Improve tempo indication in Play Panel to reflect time signature SteveBlower 17 4 years ago
Forum topic E-flat Piccolo Soundfont? Mark West 3 12 4 years ago
Issue Show instrument name on lower staff when upper staff of multi-staff instrument is empty and hidden jcorelis 23 4 years ago
Issue Stave brackets disappear on a 1 line percussion staff shoogle 20 4 years ago
Issue Chord symbols deleted on paste Marc Sabatella 11 4 years ago
Issue Hiding courtesy time signature only works for the first staff JohnJ1995 12 4 years ago
Issue Cannot change properties of multiple notes in piano roll editor jotapeve 10 4 years ago
Issue Problems with Bass Clarinet Howard-C 7 4 years ago
Issue Close scores on clicking middle mouse button onto score tab Anatoly-os 14 4 years ago
Issue Close tab with mouse middle click feikname 11 4 years ago
Issue Cannot input voice 2/3/4 in the latest nightly Howard-C 3 4 years ago
Issue All elements set to normal position if all rests in voices other than voice 1 are deleted Howard-C 9 4 years ago
Issue Blank lines of text consisting only of a RETURN are too small in height on some scores geetar 17 4 years ago