
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Pallets click on name to open henk-de-groot 18 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.3.2 Release Anatoly-os 9 4 years ago
Issue Beams in edit mode: issues with the adjustment of handles mike320 13 4 years ago
Forum topic [Fingering Placement] Implement "Auto" VS Explicit "fingering above/below" Howard-C 36 4 years ago
Forum topic Change 6 sharps to 6 flats for transposing instrument? Howard-C 92 4 years ago
Forum topic Proper Fermata Playback Nungnum 1 4 years ago
Issue Tempo text: character formatting can stop text properties working in the Inspector geetar 2 4 years ago
Forum topic It's a shame posts can't be deleted. [DELETED] 29378932 13 4 years ago
Forum topic Test script facility: a new approach to testing and reporting bugs Anatoly-os 11 4 years ago
Forum topic Redesign selection filter as a normal QDockWidget Howard-C 2 4 years ago
Forum topic adding measures of rests pjackson49 2 4 years ago
Issue Weird jagged beams are still in 3.3.2 BetaBleeds 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Composing Music265 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Convincing a Music department to drop Mac's and Sibelius interele 30 4 years ago
Forum topic 6/4 time, but can't figure out how to quadruplet Walter Ho 3 6 4 years ago
Issue No palette available in MuseScore (Windows) RegPalmer 33 4 years ago
Issue Accent cannot be played in the .mscz files transferred from 2.x David Copperfield 8 4 years ago
Issue Adding ties to chords (0.9.4 regression) cwhysall 13 4 years ago
Forum topic Albums in Musescore 3 ? lionhell 17 4 years ago
Forum topic Palettes disappear in 3.3.1 on Windows 10 Howard-C 5 4 years ago
Forum topic Cannot Read File Error Message abbyfenton 5 4 years ago
Issue Allow metronome sound to be exported to sound files. mike320 11 4 years ago
Forum topic I am beginning to lose my temper. Weird Waltz 5 4 years ago
Issue Guitar and bass guitar don't get transposed when enabling "Concert Pitch". Reimans 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Horn in C transposition Little Wishy 54 4 years ago