Elwin's blog

Comparison between Dorico 2 and MuseScore 2

5 years ago • 4 comments

It has been a significant amount of time since I posted my last comparison between MuseScore and other notation programs, but since then Dorico 2 was released. I thought it would do justice to include such a comparison.
Before Dorico 2:
Dorico in of itself was a program with many great ideas, but at the same time, many features did not exist. It was quite hard to do professional work on that program. During that time, I ended up using

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A Comparison between MuseScore 2, Finale v.25, Dorico, ScoreCloud Studio, and Noteflight

6 years ago • 7 comments

For those who do not know who I am, my name is Elwin, I was more active a few years back, and some of you older members know my piece "The Clowns". A lot of things have changed since then. I have decided to post a comparison of MuseScore, plus a few known ones out there, including Finale, and the new software, Dorico. I have looked at these Softwares as best as I could, but I have not tried all

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My Journey with MuseScore Part 5: Would I ever quit using MuseScore and/or my future intentions.

8 years ago • 0 comments

So, yeah. I hate to say this, but I'm thinking that this is the last entry of my blog for at least a while. There is a possibility that this is the last entry in the blog series. Let me say that it was a pleasure blogging. I have enjoyed creating this series however, everything must come to an end eventually.

Looking back at the start from when I was first trying out MuseScore to where I am now, I

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My journey with MuseScore! Part 4: When it started to be limiting

8 years ago • 0 comments

So, I realized that it had been quite a while since I wrote part 3. It was simply a variety of reasons why there was a gap. If you didn't read part 3 or the other parts, I encourage you to read them.

I also came to realize that this is my first blog post of the summer. I'm glad it's the summer time. For a while, I sort of had flashbacks of school, I had the mentality I had

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My Journey with MuseScore! Part 3: What I hope to see in the next few versions.

8 years ago • 0 comments

Okay, here's part 3 of my blog!

So, from what I know, MuseScore 1 was alright. I have never used it since I discovered MuseScore at the time of 2.0.1. Then MuseScore 2 came out and it started to be a rather mild competitor with many of the more commonly used programs like Finale and Sibelius.

Then, I started testing the beta for 3.0.0 and let me just say, MuseScore has had its first dose of steroids. I can sense

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My Journey with MuseScore! Part 2: Pros and Cons of MuseScore

8 years ago • 0 comments

Okay, so I figured I should go ahead and post part two of my blog.
Now, I am giving an honest opinion on this, I in no way am trying to discourage. Overall, I will acknowledge that MuseScore is a great notation program.

When I started, I instantly noticed that there were a few bugs in the system. Most of them were corrected. What I didn't like was that there was a tendency for words and notes to overlap.

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My journey with MuseScore! Part 1: How I came to know and love Musescore

8 years ago • 0 comments

I always loved composing when I was very young. I played the piano since third grade and starting fifth grade, I started writing my own piano pieces. However, it took a long time to notate them on paper and I had a bad habit of taking frequent breaks when I wrote them down. Then, there would be moments where I realized that the melody would sound better with a different key. That would result in me erasing everything and then

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