My Journey with MuseScore Part 5: Would I ever quit using MuseScore and/or my future intentions.

Posted 8 years ago

So, yeah. I hate to say this, but I'm thinking that this is the last entry of my blog for at least a while. There is a possibility that this is the last entry in the blog series. Let me say that it was a pleasure blogging. I have enjoyed creating this series however, everything must come to an end eventually.

Looking back at the start from when I was first trying out MuseScore to where I am now, I could say that I've gone far. Now, I'm almost at the part where I am curious to trying The commercial "professional" notating softwares such as Finale and Sibelius. I, however, know that that is not going to happen in a while. I could try torrenting, but I do not want to get in trouble with the law. One thing MuseScore will always have the advantage in is that it's free. MuseScore just keeps getting better and better. Like I said in Part 3 of my blog, I hope to see an "Operation Pass Finale and Sibelius". A little more elaboration on that part. Now, I am not suggesting that MuseScore change is "way of operating" meaning its controls (the way you notate and all that), I'm talking about capabilities. While MuseScore's, Finales's, and Sibelius's controls are different, The latter two still possibly have a little bit more capabilities in regards to music notating than MuseScore. What I was hoping is that MuseScore will obtain those capabilities in the future. When that happens (I know it will) that might be enough to land Finale and Sibelius six feet underground.
Another thing that I find that MuseScore has an advantage in is its "Show off" site. I believe is actually advantageous, It allows people to get feedback on their scores as well as allow them to show off what they've created. I have not seen that feature for Finale or Sibelius.

So this brings me back to my original purpose. I probably would never quit using MuseScore. Sure, I might Get Finale or Sibelius in the future, but that is probably only for producing more of the complicated sheet music. If by any chance I have a kid that turns out like me and desires to produce sheet music and/or has great ideas for songs, I would definitely let him/her use MuseScore since from what I know, Finale is rather hard-to-use.

In the end, I thank MuseScore for being there to be that sheet music software that I used when I couldn't afford Finale. Without MuseScore, I would not have developed my skills in scoring and all that. With a pencil and paper, I work quite slow while with MuseScore, I work around 10 times that speed.

It was a Pleasure making these blog posts. I'm not sure there's going to be a part 6 to this series. If I ever start blogging here again, I would work on a new series.