
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Adding a tie from grace note to note goes wrong way at times mike320 4 3 years ago
Issue Time signature change doesn't appear in parts which don't have voice 1 cadiz1 22 3 years ago
Issue Adding or removing measures when parts are defined doesn't work. mgagnonlv 6 3 years ago
Issue Request for a "Section Text" element njvdberg 1 3 years ago
Forum topic Tuplet number Shoichi 5 3 years ago
Issue Auto space staves on a page mike320 7 3 years ago
Issue Hairpin attached to note other than in voice 1 in score appears on wrong part SteveBlower 20 4 years ago
Issue Crash when entering a newline before composer name njvdberg 4 4 years ago
Issue B# and Cb octave change [DELETED] 120107 23 4 years ago
Forum topic Assignment of Parts is not proper working in MS 3.4.1. DerOnkel 12 4 years ago
Issue Won't accept/display Header Text $f $F DGT 4 4 years ago
Issue Chord Symbols > Maximum Shift Above is weird if measure has rhythm slashes and rests Blaarghinator 11 4 years ago
Issue Two Grace Notes Disable Vertical Chord Alignment (Maximum Shift Above) Blaarghinator 7 4 years ago
Issue Chord symbol alignment changes default position without reason Marc Sabatella 11 4 years ago
Issue Various type of edits change the measure count [DELETED] 35237410 14 4 years ago
Issue Crash undoing add instruments Marc Sabatella 13 4 years ago
Issue Crash when starting MuseScore after compare score. njvdberg 7 4 years ago
Issue Staff type change in first measure causes a crash cadiz1 7 4 years ago
Issue Corruption on deleting initial rest in voice 2 tuplet Marc Sabatella 14 4 years ago
Issue Brackets displaced in Continuous View Sunny2019 7 4 years ago
Issue Split Measure breaks slurs and ties Seamas 11 4 years ago
Issue Nested tuplets in linked staves lead to corruption cadiz1 7 4 years ago
Issue Two piano instruments shown for a single piano part after save/load njvdberg 23 4 years ago
Issue Crash on adding text on a text frame (MS 3.5 Alpha, debug build) njvdberg 20 4 years ago
Issue Time signature properties are just showing a black box frirobi48 15 4 years ago