
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Arrow keys doesn't move object when several ones are selected frfancha 31 1 year ago
Issue In edit mode, the middle mouse button should always pan, even when there is an item under the cursor hiddenhare 8 3 years ago
Issue Allow score traversal while Style dialogue is opened worldwideweary 14 3 years ago
Issue Adjusting height of "Preferences" causes it to go off-screen on some monitors [DELETED] 34298031 17 3 years ago
Issue Windows 10: MuseScore blocked by hidden dialog for preferences ManfredHerr 15 3 years ago
Issue Fractional font sizes can't be input using the "Preferences" dialog hiddenhare 19 3 years ago
Issue Problem inputting max. system distance because of interaction with min. SD setting geetar 6 3 years ago
Issue The "-F" command line option is documented as "use factory settings", but it actually performs an irreversible factory reset hiddenhare 3 3 years ago
Issue Many popups and dialogs are oversized on a 1920x1080 monitor with 1.5x UI scaling hiddenhare 9 3 years ago
Issue Preferences window doesn't match on a 15'' Laptop screen and height isn't resizeable kuwitt 34 3 years ago
Issue Consider completely disabling the smooth-scrolling animation in the palette hiddenhare 2 3 years ago
Issue Inserting a note changes the size of the main window hiddenhare 3 3 years ago
Issue While a toolbar is expanded, hovering over the edge of a panel will dismiss the toolbar hiddenhare 0 3 years ago
Issue No response when attempting to position the text cursor at the end of a range selection hiddenhare 7 3 years ago
Issue In the editor, the highlight colour for selected text can be difficult to see hiddenhare 2 3 years ago
Issue Dragging the mouse cursor over small text items, when zoomed out, has no effect hiddenhare 1 3 years ago
Issue When entering text edit mode by double-clicking a text item, all of the item's text should be selected hiddenhare 9 3 years ago
Issue Producing a discontinuous selection is difficult hiddenhare 11 4 years ago
Issue Misclicking when attempting to create a range selection causes the current selection to be lost hiddenhare 10 4 years ago
Issue The playback cursor is not repositioned when selecting items other than notes, rests or measures hiddenhare 10 4 years ago
Issue Intending to scroll Inspector panel modifies property value if cursor is above hiddenhare 20 4 years ago
Issue Docked Palette and Selection Filter panels cannot be closed during playback hiddenhare 2 4 years ago
Issue While a range selection is active, many palette items have unexpected behaviour when double-clicked hiddenhare 3 4 years ago
Issue Dragging multiple selected elements hiddenhare 6 4 years ago