MysticSlice's blog

GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Work Product

3 years ago • 2 comments

Hi, everyone! I hope all is well.
This is a summary of my project, Chord Symbol Style Editor. This project was a part of Google Summer of Code 2021.

Project Description:

This project is aimed at improving the customizability of chord symbols. It also helps in maintaining a uniform representation across the score.
This project consists of two components: Inspector view and Main Editor.
The Inspector view allows the user to quickly switch between chord symbol styles. It does not

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 10

3 years ago • 0 comments

This week marks the end of the GSoC coding period.
All the main features of the editor are complete and it is overall looking pretty good right now. But I am not quite done with it yet. I have some UI features left to be implemented. I also have a lot of bugs to fix. So, It will take quite a while for the project to be completed and get merged into the master branch.
I have a two-week vacation

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 9

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hi everyone. I hope everything is going well.
My final exams in college have started. So, I could not do much work. I have exams next week too. In this time, I have been trying to do some small changes/fixes. After my exams, I will be focussing completely on the project again.

Work done:

I relocated the Chord Symbols playback settings in the Inspector to the Playback settings pop-up.
I slightly modified the respelling function. Now, the half-diminished chords of

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 8

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hey everyone. Hope all is well!
I am in the final stretch of the project and I am happy with how it has turned out so far. There is still quite a bit of work to do.

Work done:

I implemented the respelling functionality for suspensions, 6/9 extension, and bass note. There is one option of the bass note that I still have not completed where the bass note is directly below the chord symbol. I could not make it

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 7

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hey, everyone. I hope everything is going well.
Last week, I was a little occupied with my college work. I still got some work completed.

Work done:

I started the week with some changes to the UI. Not any major stuff, just spacing, and labeling changes. I completed the chord symbol scaling option, finally. I also added a reset button for the advanced settings.
Another new "feature"(kind of) is added to the editor and the respelling functions which, in each

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 6

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hi. Last week was more of refining the previous weeks' work. I did not work on anything new. But I did make some preparations for the handling of the no-preset style.

Work done:

I worked primarily on the parsing/respelling functions. There were, surprisingly, a lot of bugs. Initially, the respelling function recognized only the pattern "minor7b5" as a half-diminished chord. Now, it recognizes diminished("minorb5") and augmented("major#5") chord formats too and respells accordingly. I modified the stacking system a little so

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 5 (Advanced Settings)

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hello everyone. Hope you are doing good.
Last week was a great one. I was able to get a lot done.

Work done:

I completed the rest of the advanced settings namely stacking of modifiers, capitalization, and parentheses options.

1. Stacking of modifiers:

The stacking options work on alterations(e.g. b5) and addition/omission modifiers only. The user can choose to enable/disable stacking.

2. Capitalization options:

The capitalization options are the same as they are in MuseScore 3.6 but with 1 new

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 4

3 years ago • 12 comments

Hello everyone. I hope all is well.
It has been 1 month since I started the project and it has been a great experience so far. I was able to complete the main features of the Chord Symbol Style Editor. So, I thought I would summarise everything I have done so far in this week's blog. I have also included some short video demos for you all to see.

Inspector Pop-up:

When a chord symbol is selected, the chord symbol

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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 3 (Styles Dialog)

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hey. I hope you had a great weekend!
This week, I got started with the actual editor in the styles dialog. It is coming together well.

Work Done:

  1. Basic settings in the editor:
    The style options and the basic settings are implemented. The basic settings include the already existing Chord Spelling settings and the new Quality Symbols settings. MuseScore is now able to read the quality symbols for each style from the XML file and display it to the user.
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GSOC 2021: Chord Symbol Style Editor - Week 2 (Inspector Pop-up)

3 years ago • 0 comments

Hi. I hope you are in good health.
This week, I was able to get much more done than I thought. I also got a much better understanding of the project and the codebase as a whole.
The new Chord Symbol Style Editor has two components: Inspector Pop-up and Styles Dialog. In the previous blog, I told that I would be working on the dialog this week but the design was undergoing some changes. So, I decided to work on

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