
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Mehrere "kleine" Stücke auf eine Seite Philjamin 3 2 years ago
Forum topic Reproduzierbarer Crash von Musescore 3.6.2 HildeK 7 2 years ago
Forum topic Programmsprache Englisch trotz Systemsprache Deutsch CarstenHelms 8 2 years ago
Forum topic Playback unavailable even after multiple resets nataniakairu 2 2 years ago
Forum topic Layout eines Notenblattes jazzy-fips 3 2 years ago
Forum topic Palette wieder hinzufügen hilmerbieling 2 2 years ago
Forum topic new lines unknown to me Trottolina 7 2 years ago
Forum topic Rhythmusunterlegung Gitarrenwolf 7 2 years ago
Forum topic Adding an additional count into a measure connorewing45 5 2 years ago
Forum topic Can't Find Styles JoshuaF1210 1 2 years ago
Forum topic Noten erscheinen doppelt Kö-Ma 2 2 years ago
Forum topic independent grace notes Trottolina 4 2 years ago
Forum topic Audio device selection not possible glauser 7 2 years ago
Forum topic Import Hittus 16 2 years ago
Forum topic Zu Partitur Einzelstimmen hinzufügen Philjamin 7 2 years ago
Forum topic About the ossia cleanhex 33 2 years ago
Forum topic Funktionssymbole hschneider 2 2 years ago
Forum topic Mausrad scrollt falsch unter Linux (Arch) palibatir 24 2 years ago
Forum topic percussion sf2 herrgerd 3 2 years ago
Forum topic Alternativen Klang durch MP3 Dateien Yassin2001 4 2 years ago
Forum topic Instrument wird nicht angezeigt Doedoen 4 2 years ago
Issue Musescore 3.0.2 crash psjuma 9 2 years ago
Forum topic How do I change distance between staves in grand staff? joshvigran 32 2 years ago
Issue "Save As..." (and more) should default to current file location instead of Scores directory or other previous folder Isaac Weiss 23 2 years ago
Forum topic Ich kann meine Partitur nicht mehr öffnen (Fehlermeldung: Musescore kann meine Datei nicht lesen) LegendJurai 2 2 years ago