jamesmmizen's blog

GSoC 2022 - Harp Pedalling work product

1 year ago • 0 comments

This final post will sum up all of the additions and changes I have made to MuseScore for 2022’s Google Summer of Code harp pedalling project.
The previous blog posts with weekly updates can be found here.

As the team are working towards the release of MuseScore 4.0, this code will only be merged after its release and be included in a 4.x update.

Code changes

PR #12269 contains feedback

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 11

1 year ago • 0 comments

As we're getting to the end of GSoC, I spent this week tidying up and making changes based on code reviews. The largest change I made was how pedal diagrams were accessed in the score by the proofreading function and other diagrams - eg. for updating the text of a diagram further ahead in the score based on a change earlier. This was previously done by looping through all elements of a score until a diagram is found. This

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 10

1 year ago • 1 comment

Hi all,

This has been a productive week of fixing bugs, tests and layout issues. With everything up to date, I'm ready for a code review and some final pointers as to placement and layout. These will only be small tweaks without huge amounts of refactoring (I hope) so am on track for the final deadline at the beginning of September.

I also spent some time implementing a proofreading feature for the diagrams. This updates the colour of the noteheads

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 9

1 year ago • 0 comments


This week has been productive in getting my branch rebased and fixing some layout problems. There are still some edge cases to work out, but the UI is looking much better. I've also included some missing functionality linking all diagrams in a score. When one diagram is edited, the score is searched for text settings further ahead. If they need to change, the diagram text is "calculated" again and updated.

My final tasks for the diagram are tidying up

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 8

1 year ago • 0 comments


This week was spent tidying up the last bits relevent to the MVP. Unfortunately, the placement of the diagram on the score is proving difficult and isn't quite finished yet.
I talked to a few harp players, looked through some music and had a go on a pedal harp (which was quite difficult - not an option for a career change!) to give me a feel for where pedal changes should be placed "horizonally" on a score. Damping of

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 7

1 year ago • 0 comments

Hello everyone,

As we've reached the halfway point in the project, I have completed my MVP. The final pull request can be seen here There are a few issues left to sort out, mainly concerning the behaviour of the pop-up when opened. However, the UI and score elements I implemented earlier have married up very nicely, hopefully offering an easy and intuitive way of editing them.
Here's an example of a user adding a diagram.
[inline:Pedal diagram demo.gif]
Ex 1:

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 6

1 year ago • 0 comments

Hello everyone,

I have one week left to finish the MVP for the pedalling diagrams, and I'm very close! This week I managed to get the UI for the diagrams mostly put together - there are a few layout and spacing tweaks to finish off, and the placement of the popup within the score leaves a lot to be desired. Despite this, the diagrams are on their way to being editable through the UI. Currently they can be changed between

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 5

1 year ago • 0 comments

Hello all,

I tidied up the last bits of the harp pedalling diagrams you will see in the score this week - they are ready to go and the changes can be seen in this pull request.
I have also made a start on the popup editor for the diagrams. These popup dialogues will be used for many different elements, so I've been trying to make them as generic as possible for a wide variety of future use cases.

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 4

1 year ago • 0 comments

Hello all,

This week has seen a lot of progress in terms of style and adding text diagrams. I'm at a point where I can show you the examples from Debussy's Arabesques seen in the first blog post in MuseScore! The work so far has been added to a pull request. This isn't entirely finished however, and I have a few extra bits to add before it's mergeable.

Ex 1: Excerpt from Debussy's Arabesques with harp pedalling in

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GSoC 2022 - Harp pedalling week 3

2 years ago • 0 comments

Hello everyone,

This week, I have finally made some tangible progress within the program! The harp palette has been added and the pedalling diagrams can be placed in the score. Currently it is only possible to add the graphic diagrams, not the text versions, and they remain uneditable for the moment.

Ex 1: A pedalling diagram in the new harp palette

Ex 2: A pedalling diagram which has been added to the score

The style and placement of

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