chen lung

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Unticking drumset doesn't restore normal notes chen lung 3 11 years ago
Issue Remove drumset from Mixer chen lung 3 11 years ago
Issue Undo creation of part doesn't remove it chen lung 3 11 years ago
Issue Close is inactive when viewing a part chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue Certain functions disabled if Search appears chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue Decreasing value of note in tremolo causes crash chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue Score doesn't play from stopped position chen lung 3 11 years ago
Issue Tremolo Between Notes causes crash chen lung 3 11 years ago
Issue Deleting a part (with another open) that's in view causes crash chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Not saving a closing score after viewing part causes crash chen lung 13 11 years ago
Issue Slur does not lead to pitch resolving the ornament chen lung 1 11 years ago
Issue Adding tie from cross staff note causes crash chen lung 11 11 years ago
Issue Score is corrupt if glissando had been pasted chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Unconnected tie disappears after reducing value of note chen lung 12 11 years ago
Issue Second note in enharmonic tie incorrectly placed chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue Notes on other stave become misaligned if bottom note in chord is small chen lung 2 11 years ago
Issue Ledger lines of small stave appear incorrectly on mouse cursor in Note Entry mode chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Cannot tie to enharmonic note chen lung 5 11 years ago
Issue Multi-voice Note Entry broken chen lung 6 11 years ago
Issue Selecting does not always remove existing selection chen lung 6 11 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Part only shows treble clefs chen lung 3 11 years ago
Forum topic Does MIDI contain information about volume, pan, reverb and chorus? chen lung 1 11 years ago
Forum topic Entering notes via computer or MIDI keyboard to transposing instrument chen lung 5 11 years ago
Forum topic Should each drum in a drumset have its own entry in Mixer? chen lung 3 11 years ago
Forum topic Clefs, key and time signatures at the start of system are all courtesy? chen lung 2 11 years ago