
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic How do I make a music sheet to be the same size as the page but the staffs all the be smaller That Random Pe… 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Sound Intensity Drops Randomly Dirge Of Dreams 1 4 years ago
Forum topic File corruption [DELETED] 265776 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Cambiar duración nota. mgarher566 5 4 years ago
Forum topic Compases Javier Cordoba 1 4 years ago
Forum topic NO SOUND ON A FILE mjohngold-digger 5 4 years ago
Forum topic Conversion to PDF cedy 28 4 years ago
Forum topic PDF conversion bobjp 13 4 years ago
Issue Courtesy accidentals disappear after an octave change using Ctrl + Up/Down Howard-C 29 4 years ago
Forum topic Eliminar pentagrama sin eliminar contenido Pilar Ramírez … 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Beams BmBryan 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Installing MuseScore 3.0 on Mac IOS Catalina? shergold 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Hastes e Armadura Eduarda Johann… 6 4 years ago
Forum topic Playback CCDanger 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Disable certain soundfonts Nungnum 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Worksheets J.O. 9 4 years ago
Forum topic Existe alguna posibilidad de utilizar compases de valor añadido, decimales y fraccionarios con Musescore Juan Antonio G… 10 4 years ago
Forum topic When "Note input" is selected, Shortcut "Note input ♭", "Note input ♯", and "Note input ♮" do not work. symphony7526 3 4 years ago
Forum topic Can't add accidentals in Note Mode Laurelin 2 4 years ago
Forum topic Manually Adjust Space Between Staves paul.foster.925059 4 4 years ago
Forum topic Cambiar de instrumento pero no cambia el sonido predeterminado JM_zgz 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Musescore 3.3 mgarher566 3 4 years ago
Forum topic New version of Musescore 3 and Key Signatures aedsb 13 4 years ago
Issue Palette names are scrambled and nearly impossible to read (Windows 7) ArchitectOfThought 24 4 years ago
Forum topic Adding accidentals has changed in 3.3.3 geetar 11 4 years ago