divya-urs's blog

GSoC 2017 Work Product : Accessibility

7 years ago • 0 comments

This is a description of the work done as part of GSoC 2017 on the project "Improving the Accessibility of MuseScore for Visually Impaired Musicians".

Merged Code:

The following commits have been merged into the MuseScore master branch and are available in the nightly builds:
Pull Request #3206 Accessibility: nextElement and prevElement
Commit: accessibility: nextElement and prevElement
This implements two score navigation commands, to select the next and previous score element respectively. The commands traverse elements like articulation, note attached

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 12

7 years ago • 0 comments

This is the last weekly report for GSoC. This week, I worked on setting palette shortcuts, as well as on template navigation.

Key accomplishments

  • Solved the issue of duplicate palette cell names:
    Previously, setting a shortcut for a palette cell which did not have a unique name was not reflected properly in the palette shortcut manager. This was because I was identifying a particular palette cell in a list using the name (none of the other members are unique,

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 11

7 years ago • 3 comments

This week I fixed some bugs in the master palette and also worked on the navigation of templates in the new score wizard.

Key accomplishments

  • Fixed navigation of Symbols palette:
    On pressing Enter, the symbols palette is expanded. Pressing the down arrow key selects the next symbol palette. Previously, there was a problem expanding the symbols palette. I also fixed a bug in the navigation from certain symbol palettes like Barlines and Clefs.

  • Reduced code duplication in master palette

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 10

7 years ago • 3 comments

This week I worked on making the key signature palette in the new score wizard navigable. I also worked on the navigation of the master palette.

Key accomplishments

  • Palette navigation has been merged:
    The palette navigation code has been merged. Feedback on this would be welcome.

  • New score wizard, master palette:
    The work on making the key signature palette accessible is complete. The master palette is also navigable now. Currently, these are two separate branches. I will shift the

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 9

7 years ago • 5 comments

This week I made changes to the palette navigation code and also worked on assigning shortcuts to palette elements.

Key accomplishments

  • Palette navigation: Added a shortcut command to apply the currently selected palette element:
    This shortcut command works even if the search box doesn't have keyboard focus. Previously, to apply another palette element, the shortcut command to set focus to the search box had to be used, and then Enter had to be pressed. With the new shortcut command,

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 8

7 years ago • 8 comments

This week I worked on assigning shortcuts to palette elements.

Key accomplishments

  • Added an option to set a shortcut in the palette cell context menu

  • Added a shortcut command to assign a shortcut to the currently selected palette element

  • Shortcut conflict detection:
    I improved the shortcut conflict detection to detect shortcut conflicts with other shortcut commands, with other palette shortcuts, and with menu shortcuts.

  • Palette shortcut manager:
    I made some improvements to the palette shortcut manager. It now displays

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 7

7 years ago • 0 comments

This week I worked on assigning a shortcut to a palette element.

Key accomplishments

  • nextElement and prevElement commands have been merged:
    The work I had done on the nextElement and prevElement commands has been merged into master. Please feel free to try the commands out.
  • Palette element can be assigned a shortcut:
    A shortcut can be assigned to a palette element using the palette shortcut manager, which displays the list of palette elements. The GUI of this is similar
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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 6

7 years ago • 0 comments

This week I've been working on assigning a shortcut to a palette element. The approach I had tried earlier didn't seem to work well, so I've started from scratch, following the method used to assign shortcuts to plugins.

Key accomplishments

  • Started working on assigning a shortcut to a palette element:
    I've followed the model used to assign shortcuts to plugins. I've finished most of the coding, I now need to test it and make changes if necessary.

  • Palette navigation

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 5

7 years ago • 0 comments

This week I made some modifications to the palette navigation commands, and I continued working on setting a shortcut for a palette element.

Key accomplishments

  • Made mouse single click select the current element, when the palette is being navigated using the keyboard:
    A combination of using keyboard navigation and using the mouse to select elements makes the navigation of the palette faster. When keyboard navigation isn't being used, the mouse behavior is as usual, single click does not result

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GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 4

7 years ago • 0 comments

This week I reimplemented some features of palette navigation based on the feedback I got on my post https://musescore.org/en/node/226131. More feedback would be welcome.

Key accomplishments

  • Reimplemented some features of palette navigation:
    I changed the shortcut keys to select next/previous palette item to up/down arrow. I also changed the shortcut to apply a palette item to Enter. I also made changes so that if no palette cell is selected, pressing up/down arrow selects the first/last search result.

  • Fixed

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