GSoC 2017: Accessibility - Week 5

Posted 7 years ago

This week I made some modifications to the palette navigation commands, and I continued working on setting a shortcut for a palette element.

Key accomplishments

  • Made mouse single click select the current element, when the palette is being navigated using the keyboard:
    A combination of using keyboard navigation and using the mouse to select elements makes the navigation of the palette faster. When keyboard navigation isn't being used, the mouse behavior is as usual, single click does not result in a persistent selection of the current element. The selection is lost on moving the mouse away from the palette cell.

  • Modified the mouse hover behavior so that palette cells are highlighted on moving the mouse, when keyboard navigation is not being used:
    The mouse hover behavior is as above when the filter is active but no selection has been made. When a palette element is selected using one of the keyboard navigation commands, this hover behavior is lost. Dragging the mouse across the palette will not have any effect on the highlighting of palette cells when a palette element has been selected using a keyboard command.

  • Worked on setting a shortcut for a palette element:
    I have made some progress, but this still needs some work. After selecting a palette element, on using a shortcut command, a shortcut capture dialog box opens. There is a problem with the detection of shortcut conflicts, which I will work on next week. To implement this, I modified ScoreView::keyPressEvent.

Key tasks that stalled

  • Setting a shortcut for a palette element:
    It took a long time to figure out how to implement this.

Tasks for the upcoming week

  • Continue working on setting a shortcut for a palette element
  • Modify the palette navigation commands so that up arrow selects the previous element and down arrow selects the next element.
    The previous shortcuts, which were the reverse of the above, were a bit confusing.