Cambios recientes
Tipo | Título | Usuario | Registro | ||
Dom, 15 Abril 2012 | |||||
(diff) (hist) | 20:27 | Book | Tierevised | Jojo-Schmitz | |
(diff) (hist) | 20:21 | Book | Grace noterevised | Jojo-Schmitz | |
(diff) (hist) | 20:19 | Book | Undo and redorevised | Jojo-Schmitz | |
(diff) (hist) | 10:46 | Book | Bracketrevised | Jojo-Schmitz | |
Vie, 2 Marzo 2012 | |||||
(diff) (hist) | 13:37 | Book | Hairpinrevised | chen lung | |
(diff) (hist) | 13:32 | Book | Bar linerevised | chen lung | |
Mar, 31 May 2011 | |||||
(diff) (hist) | 22:32 | Book | Basicsmoved | Thomas | |
Lun, 4 Abril 2011 | |||||
(diff) (hist) | 00:28 | Book | Key signaturerevised | David Bolton | |
Vie, 25 Febrero 2011 | |||||
(diff) (hist) | 05:04 | Book | Clefrevised | David Bolton | Removed the information about dragging clefs from other parts of the score to change it (it doesn't appear to work in MuseScore 1.0) |
Dom, 18 Abril 2010 | |||||
(diff) (hist) | 05:38 | Book | Breath and pauserevised | David Bolton |