"Reset Stretch" Does not affect mmrests if more than mmrest is highlighted
1. Create new score.
2. Enter some notes into some measures. Leave other measures blank.
3. Style>General>Create multimeasure rests
4. Adjust stretch of mmrest using Shift + { or }. Also adjust stretch of notated measures.
5. Highlight all measures.
6. Layout>Reset Stretch
Expected result: All measures have their stretch reset.
Actual result: Only notated measures stretch reset.
Note: Reset Stretch works on mmrests only if mmrest is highlighted.
The simple solution would seem to be, use "MM" version of firstMeasure(), lastMeasure(), and nextMeasure() in the following code:
The current code resets the stretch for the underlying measures but not the mmrests. My proposed change does the opposite, which seems fine. I guess we could do both if people thought that made sense.
Here's a PR to fix the bug so mmrests are reset if selected. Depending on whether one takes the full PR or just the first commit, it either goes through the mmrests and also resets the underlying measures, or it doesn't.
Fixed in 9138ead73d
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.