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Dankjewel voor je interesse om bij te dragen aan het Musescore project. Bijdragers zijn Musescore's meest waardevolle bezit en vormen de kracht achter het maken van notatiesoftware en de basis om ondersteuning te garanderen.

Op deze pagina zal je verschillende onderwerpen van Musescore vinden waarmee je kan helpen. De nieuwe bijdragers takenzone [nog te maken] heeft geweldige stap-voor-stap instructies van taken die het makkelijk maken om je op weg te helpen als bijdrager.


Zelfs de meest kennisrijke Musescore experts waren ooit nieuw en de kans is groot dat iemand hen ooit op een bepaald punt heeft geholpen. Ongacht je kennisniveau kan je altijd iets delen wat je wel weet. Het is een mooie geste om kennis te delen en je kan altijd iets van anderen leren.

Get involved with user support


Whether you're interested in extending the handbook, writing step-by-step tutorials, or producing multimedia screencasts to show people how MuseScore works, you can help improve MuseScore's documentation and provide a valuable resource to the community.

Contribute to documentation


MuseScore supports many languages from around the world, but not all of them, and some translations are incomplete. If you know another language, you can contribute by helping translate MuseScore into your other language.

Contribute to translations
MuseScore Translation channel in the MuseScore server on Discord


If you have a keen eye for detail, or even just a knack for breaking things, you can accelerate the development of the next version of MuseScore by testing in-progress previews and filing reports of problems you encounter. Good testing directly contributes to the stability of the software, and it's an excellent way for people of all backgrounds to make an immensely valuable contribution to the project!

Help test MuseScore

Design and usability

People deeply experienced with MuseScore may lack perspective on how things appear to those starting fresh, or transitioning from a competing commercial product. Are you helping someone who has never used MuseScore before? Or are you new to MuseScore yourself? Do you have experience with other notation software? Contribute feedback on MuseScore's usability to help shape the software's future design.


MuseScore thrives on developer contributions in the form of both contributed code and patches. Helping out in development helps the project move forward and stay competitive, and it is the best way to ensure that MuseScore can do what you need it to do on your next musical project!

Contribute to development
MuseScore Developers' channel in the MuseScore server on Discord


Do you wish to extend the functionality of MuseScore without actually reworking the core code? Write a plugin!

Contribute to plugins


Help get the word out about MuseScore! Put your graphic design skills or marketing savvy to work in promoting MuseScore and spreading the word.


If you want to contribute but don't have the time to help out in any of the specific ways detailed above... If you just want to say "thank you" to the folks who have put work into making MuseScore what it is... If you want to ensure that MuseScore's infrastructure stays healthy and strong... why not consider a monetary donation?

Donate now or learn how to help with donations