[DELETED] 645566

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Accidentals with arrow keys. [DELETED] 645566 0 1 year ago
Forum topic eight notes group over half bar [DELETED] 645566 9 1 year ago
Forum topic shortcut for natural note [DELETED] 645566 1 1 year ago
Forum topic Copying Chord symbols [DELETED] 645566 0 1 year ago
Forum topic Show or hide barnumbers [DELETED] 645566 12 7 years ago
Issue 8va line that ends in the last bar [DELETED] 645566 3 8 years ago
Forum topic Repeat not played properly [DELETED] 645566 7 12 years ago
Forum topic Repeat not played properly [DELETED] 645566 6 12 years ago
Issue Changing shortcut for rest [DELETED] 645566 8 14 years ago
Issue Pulseaudio suspend [DELETED] 645566 2 14 years ago
Issue tie after accidental creates wrong pitch note [DELETED] 645566 2 14 years ago
Issue Icon in gnome window switcher [DELETED] 645566 4 14 years ago
Issue Insert pickupbar after creating score. [DELETED] 645566 2 14 years ago
Issue Move note to upper staff (ctrl-shft-up) doesn't work [DELETED] 645566 8 15 years ago
Issue Musescore hangs after suspend or hibernate [DELETED] 645566 5 15 years ago
Issue difficulty starting note input in a blank score. [DELETED] 645566 2 15 years ago
Issue ctrl-F4 to close a tab [DELETED] 645566 7 15 years ago
Issue CTRL-Y for redo [DELETED] 645566 3 15 years ago
Issue Insert multiple bars at end [DELETED] 645566 3 15 years ago
Issue Can't delete instrument name in score [DELETED] 645566 5 15 years ago
Forum topic Format option nr of bars per line. [DELETED] 645566 9 15 years ago
Forum topic Adding instruments: moving instruments up and down [DELETED] 645566 4 15 years ago
Forum topic Jump to page nr. # pierrot_ 2 15 years ago
Forum topic Tie input changed in version 0.9.5 [DELETED] 645566 0 15 years ago
Forum topic Problem emailing scores [DELETED] 645566 2 15 years ago