"Break every X measures" tool does not operate on the last measure in selection

• Apr 16, 2015 - 10:10
S4 - Minor
  1. new score
  2. select like 4 measures
  3. start the "Break every X measures" tool
  4. set it to 2

expcted result: a line beak after the 2nd and the 4th measure (last in selection
actual result: a line beak only after the 2nd measure


Is there a reason you'd want it to? I think it looks messy to have a line break at the end of a score where it does nothing, so I'd rather that not happen by default.

Well, the issue is about last measure in selection, not last in score, although the fix I'm working on right now fixes that too. We could special case that though.
But what then is that comment (in scoreview.cpp. line 5866) about?

// add break if last measure of system

The old plugin worked that way, issue came up in https://musescore.org/en/node/56436

Title "Break every 4 measures" tool does not operate on the last measure in selection "Break every X measures" tool does not operate on the last measure in selection