Order of accidentals in altered unison (was "Note properties change after score reload")
Hello, in my score I usually enter two notes in a single line with a semitone difference. Hovewer when I close and reopen the score, certain sharp and natural symbols get mixed up and it messes with measure spacing
Is there a way to keep the markings consistent throughout the score?
Better attach the *.mscz file.
Are you using Voices?
In reply to Better attach the *.mscz… by Shoichi
No Voices involved, I am hovewer using Musescore 2, I tried switching to MS3, but the problem persists, there I just cannot change the order of the sharp and natural alltogether. There is also a graphical bug with octave lines in measure 28 and 32 that doesn't apear in final PDF.
Attaching the file > Concerto_in_F,_III.Allegro_agitato.mscz
Please open in MS2.
In reply to No Voices involved, I am… by Pospes
Looks like an imported MIDI file.
Cross Staff notation as in image:
Some problems probably result from moving elements manually. I think there's a lot of work to be done.
If two notes are on the same line and the first one is altered it seems correct that the second one has the natural.
If they play in sync I think it is better to put the alteration on the second one.
In reply to Looks like an imported MIDI… by Shoichi
Actually, it's not imported MIDI file at all, everything was written manually. Again, i suggest opening this in MS2, where I wrote it, to avoid corrupted data. I think Musescore doesn't know what to do with this, since natural and sharp next to each other usually mean negating the effect of double sharp. Most of the symbols (in original picture) are in correct order, there are just some, that just apparently don't want to be changed. It might be a bug, notation like this is very specific and not quite common.
In reply to No Voices involved, I am… by Pospes
It seems it is the natural on the B that causes the order of the accidentals on the F to switch. There is no need to save and reload in between. It works in real time. Try toggling that natural on the B on and off and you will see the switch happen immediately. Further investigation shows that even if you switch the order of entry so that you start with sharp-natural the natural on the B makes it switch to natural-sharp. Indeed any accidental on another note in the chord switches the order of the accidentals on the altered unison.
There is yet more to this. The standard engraving rules that MuseScore aspires to are largely those set out by Elaine Gould in "Behind Bars". Her rule is that for altered unisons with a sharp and a natural, the sharp should come first so that the pair are not confused with cancelling a double sharp. It seems there are two issues therefore.
1) MuseScore does not set the recommended order of sharp-natural by default
2) An accidental on another note in a chord with an altered unison switches the order of the accidentals on the altered unison.
A rather non-intuitive workaround for your problem might be to enter the accidentals in the wrong order in chord with the B natural - i.e. natural-flat. Then adding the natural should switch them back to the correct order. But this really ought to get fixed. I suggest you add it to the issue tracker.
Incidentally, I confirmed that the same behaviour persists in OS: MuseScore version (64-bit):
In reply to It seems it is the natural… by SteveBlower
Thank you, I can confirm the workaround worked. :)
I will add it to the issue tracker.
In reply to Thank you, I can confirm the… by Pospes
Thanks for #307196: Wrong order of accidentals in altered unison.