Appending frames not only to the end of the score!!!
It should be possible to append frames also to the end of each section, not only to the end of the score, so the last line could be indented if required.
Unfortunately, no one has yet realized how many good ideas I could contribute to the improvement of Musescore. A pity! Every time I work with Musescore, I would certainly have 3-4 suggestions to make working with this program even more enjoyable.
Einfügen beim folgenden Takt und dann Abschnitts-/System/Seitenumbuch auf den Rahmen anwenden (und ggf. vom vorigen Takt entfernen)
Aber in der Tat fehlen Operation zum Einfügen am Anfang und Anhängen an aktuellen Takt. Siehe #244381: Add options for "Append to current measure" and "Insert at beginning of score", for measures and frames
In reply to Insert it to the measure… by Jojo-Schmitz