High note duration is shorter than low note duration
A high "A" duration is shorter than a low "A" duration -
A high "A" duration is shorter than a low "A" duration -
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On a picture ???
In reply to On a picture ??? by Raymond Wicquart
He probably hasn't seen thousands of posts like us and didn't think to attach an mscz file so we can hear what he means. On a piano lower notes resonate longer than higher notes so this wouldn't surprise me.
In reply to He probably hasn't seen… by mike320
1) I had assumed this would be easy to emulate. My mistake. 2) I should have clarified further. A half note has a similar duration as an eighth note => Potential Bug 200822.mscz
In reply to 1) I had assumed this would… by bhs67
There are a lot of potential variables that could lead to what you describe. I'll leave a good answer to a pianist, which I'm not.
In reply to 1) I had assumed this would… by bhs67
Depending on tempo indeed a half noted decays faster than its duration, on a piano or any hammered or plucked string instrument.
In reply to Depending on tempo indeed a… by Jojo-Schmitz
The piano key is held down four times longer for a half note, than for an eighth note, regardless of tempo. The piano damper does not touch the piano strings until the piano key is released.
In reply to The piano key is held down… by bhs67
So what? The note decays in any case. On shorter and faster notes the damper stops it even earlier
Use an organ or synthesizer, that doesn't hat this issue of notes decaying. And decay depends on the pitch too, lower notes do "ring" longer then higher notes usually.
You could also try to use a different soundfont
In reply to So what? The note decays in… by Jojo-Schmitz
A piano damper stops the "ring" immediately when the piano key is released. A half note will "ring" longer than an eighth note.
In reply to A piano damper stops the … by bhs67
That doesn't depend on whether it is an 8th of a half, but only on the wall clock duration of a note, so on the tempo and the nominal duration.
And depends on instrument (some don't decay at all) and soundfont too
In reply to That doesn't depend on… by Jojo-Schmitz
I recorded 1 beat of a piano note and 4 beats of a piano note. The piano damper stops the "ring" immediately when the piano key is released.
As this forum does not allow .mp3's to be attached, the audible sound can be found at https://Download.FoxPing.com/ => Piano.mp3,
In reply to I recorded 1 beat of a piano… by bhs67
I never doubted that the ring stops when the key gets released.
But if an 8th is play at a slow tempo, it has decayed at about the same time as a half notes has
In reply to I never doubted that the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Then the posting at Aug 23, 2020 - 15:50 is a bug?
In reply to Then the posting at Aug 23,… by bhs67
On a piano, high notes held indefinitely stop ringing faster than low notes held indefinitely. The shorter vibrating strings have correspondingly less energy to expend. Have you tried it on a real piano?
In reply to On a piano, high notes held… by [DELETED] 1831606
BSG, I did not see your message. The recording at https://Download.FoxPing.com/ => Piano.mp3 is a real piano.
In reply to Then the posting at Aug 23,… by bhs67
No bug, as I tried to explain numerous times, but apparently failed
In reply to No by Jojo-Schmitz
It is ok that MuseScore produces piano sounds are not attempting to emulate a real piano? MuseScore uses staccato for every note?
This makes it difficult to explain real life to students.
In reply to It is ok that MuseScore… by bhs67
No, MuseScore does not use staccato for every note, an 8th is played significantly shorter than a half. It's soundfont may have a shorter decay than your piano though
In the initial post you said A high "A" duration is shorter than a low "A" duration, both a half note. It is been explained to you that this is a fact, physics, a real piano has that too.
Then you claimed A half note has a similar duration as an eighth note which clearly is not the case.
In reply to No, MuseScore does not. It's… by Jojo-Schmitz
The attachments Potential Bug 200824.mscz
show that the eighth note duration looks identical to the half note duration.
The eighth note duration is about 733 msec. The half note duration is also about 733 msec, not 2.93 secs as it is with an actual piano (733 msec * 4).
The delay from the second note to the third note is about 2.93 secs. There is silence for about 2.2 secs
In reply to The attachments [inline… by bhs67
You can actually see it decay there. It is not damped or cut short. Pressing the key longer doesn't make it sound longer, as it has decayed already.
Use a different soundfont, or the same soundfont but a different piano sound from it, one that has a longer decay.
In reply to You can actually see it… by Jojo-Schmitz
I discovered the problem. My MuseScore volume was too soft - did not hear the sound, or see it, after the decay. MuseScore is working fine. Thanks!
In reply to I discovered the problem. … by bhs67
PHEW! ;-)