
• Nov 15, 2020 - 22:22

Whats is the flat version of D Major like D major has c and f what the flat version of it


In reply to by 12517074

I will keep budging in if you keep asking questions that need answering; this is after all entirely what this forum is about.
Any user can help out any other user.

Anyway, according to the circle of fifths, which you claim to understand but refuse to use, you'd need a key signature equivalent with 10 flats, which doesn't exist.
So the "closest" to end up with would lead to a key of Ebb having a signature of Bbb, Ebb, Abb, Db, Gb, Cb, Fb

In reply to by 12517074

You could indeed opt for a completely non-standard key signature which only has a Gb and a Db; but as it is entirely non standard you'd likely be confusing anyone trying to read your music.

Also keep in mind that in many tunings an F# does not equal a Gb, but that there is a slight difference in tuning between them.

In reply to by 12517074

A sharp raises a tone by (approximately) a half tone. So an F# starts from an F and raises it up half a tone, putting it between the F and the G.
A flat lowers a tone by (approximately) a half tone. So an Eb starts from an E and lowers it downwards half a tone, putting it between the D and the E.

In reply to by 12517074

Then you'd again have to make a non-standard key signature.

But step back and think about what that would/should mean.
If you have a key signature with both a C# and a Cb in it, and you then write a C in the score; which of the notes should be played? Both?

In reply to by SLJK

Indeed. To be clear, in a piece in a key with sharps - like D - if you want an ascending choroamtic melody from E to F#, the proper way to spell it is E-E#-F#. This helps clarify the upward resolution of the middle note, and it also avoids the need for an accidental on the last note. Or, in the key of F# minor, the leading tone needs to be spelled E#.

In reply to by 12517074

Composition is quite a lot more than just throwing notes on a page. It's attempting to converse a though/emotion through melody or note structures.

Throwing notes on a page can lead to some interesting starting points/ideas/themes to work with; but at that point the "composing" has only just begun.

> Whats is the flat version of D Major like D major has c and f what the flat version of it

It seems your initial question has not been directly answered.

You are correct that the D major scale include F# and C#

The Db major scale has five flats: Db Eb Gb Ab Bb

The full one octave scale is: Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db

You'll find both scales in the attached score:

Attachment Size
D and Db Major scales.mscz 9.02 KB

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