Edit Forum topic Muse Score for Pipe Band Tenor Drumming

• Sep 15, 2018 - 12:31

Sorry for putting this up again, but I ahve just realised the last post was in the wrong forum!

I play in a pipebane and have used Drum Scriobh for years for writing scores. However, I would like to use MuseScore going forward. However, after a lot of playing about I am not sure it can accommodate what I need and wondered if anyone could advise if I am wasting my time before persevering.

I am looking to write my scores and have playback as well, hence my interest in Muse. Our pipe band uses 3 pitches of tenor (the built in sounds are not similar in anyway but I can get on with that) as well as a bass drum. When writing a score, it is usually constructed with a single line (beats above represent right hand and below represent left hand). I am happy to move to adding the pitches separably (i.e. a line for alto, mid, baritone and bass as opposed to all beats on 1 line) but I cannot see any way to create an instrument where I can have the same sound above and below the line. Furthermore the bass and tenor corps should have a bass clef which also cannot seem to change. If I create a new instrument such as:

    < instrument>
        <  name>Mid Pitch
        < short-name>KCPBATD
        < stafflines>3
        < clef>1
        < drumset>1
        < Drum pitch="48">
           < head>0
           < line>-1
           < voice>3
           < name>Right
           < /Drum>
        < Drum pitch="48">
           < head>0
           < line>1
           < voice>3
           < name>Left
           < /Drum>
    < Articulation>
           < gateTime>100%
           < velocity>100%
           < /Articulation>
    < Articulation name="sforzato">
           < velocity>130%
           < /Articulation> 
    < Articulation name="umarcato">
           < velocity>500%
           < /Articulation> 
         < channel>
           < program>95
           < /channel>
        < /instrument> 

Then only 1 of the beats shows. If I make sure that right and left have a different pitch then it works as expected. Any ideas if this is even possible? I have attached an example of what I have created in the past and what I am thinking of moving to.... However, the playback is also important and is what I cannot figure out.



Seems a bit older thread but maybe still it's a question for many Pipe Bands and Drummers out there.

I have found some solutions for some problems for writing Pipe Band arrangements.
I created Pipes and Snares in two lines.
1. One sound-Line (Pipes without emballishments like gracenotes and doublings etc.) and one actual print line. I switch on the print-instruments to print all instruments and activate only the sound-lines to listen to arrangements. The Pipes sound OK to get an idea of an arrangement with the standart sound font "bagpipes". Although sadly missing all emballishments.

  1. The snare sounds is not too bad if you use sound font "Marching Snare". But to get the right sound you need to experiment a lot and use the inspector on nearly every note to make it sound natural. Here I would appriciate a link to some decent Sound-font for Pipe Band Snare!

The Tenors are much easyer I think. My solution ist the following. Use Instrument (Orchester-tuned drums-kettledrum) the sound "808 TOM" and use a deep tone (A0) for base and use a second line in A1 E2 and C2 (or what ever Tenor-sound you use) to create the Tenors. After finishing the sound-lines I color the different Tenors to make it easyier for the players to find there parts. I also put each Tenor in its own line afterwards to print them for the single players.
Hope this helps. Would be very interested if you have better or other solutions though.

Attachment Size
playing.PNG 71.35 KB
print.PNG 81.44 KB

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