First system alignment

• Mar 10, 2021 - 14:22

Hi! Can someone tell me whether it's possible to make first system of a score aligned with the other staves, to the left? (And how to do it?)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

thank you so much!!

I'm a theory prof and need to make tons of handouts and assignments... I've finally gotten the basic score to look like I need it to look pretty much all the time. Can you also tell me how to make this into a template so I don't have to do all this stuff every time? (Hiding rests, disappearing measure numbers, un-indenting the first system, other weird stuff normal music doesn't require)

thank you so much! You've made my day much easier already !

In reply to by melismakitty

To save a score as a template, just save it to your Templates folder instead of your Scores folder. Now it will be available for selection in the Custom section every time you create a new score. Pretty much everything involved will be applied that way except the invisible rests, you need to do that manually, which also makes sense since you probably only want some rests hidden anyhow.

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