how to make rehearsal mark inherit the measure number

• Apr 8, 2021 - 23:29

How can I make a rehearsal mark inherit the measure number?


For the first one, just type the number. Then after that, add them from the palette rather than the shortcut and they will automatically sequence using the same scheme. You can also use Tools / Resequence Rehearsal Marks to fix up the numbers after adding or removing measures.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I start with a little song. Three measures. In measure three, I click a note (or rest), then press CTRL-M, then type my rehearsal mark: 3. Then I insert a new measure before measure three. And I see my rehearsal mark on the (now) measure four remains 3, doesn't change to 4. What am I missing here?

In reply to by Gene Gaunt

Rehearsal marks are sequential 1,2,3... or A,B,C... and do not reflect the measure number.

I think you can achieve what you want if you right-click on the measure and set Bar Properties..., Bar number mode to “Always“ , exit this dialogue box, and then click on the bar number and change its font size in Inspector to something like 24.00.

Attachment Size
BigBarNumber.mscz 5.55 KB

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