I would like a segno to appear at the end of a bar, not the beginning

• Apr 18, 2021 - 17:31

See attached. The segno should appear at the end of the line, not at the beginning of the next. How do I achieve this? A previous question about the exact same issue was addressed by saying to use "Fine" instead of the segno. This does not work here, because it is only "Fine" at the end of the last repeat. Also, I want this to follow the original MS as closely as possible, which uses segno, and states "Da capo fino al segno".


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Your roadmap isn't clear for me, please attache the score and explain in which order it should be played. A Segno always starts at a beginning of a measure and I never heard about a "D.C. al Segno".
Maybe you're looking for something similar like "D.C. al coda", "to Coda", "D.C. al Fine" and"Fine"?

Not sure if I really understand what you are trying/need to do here.
If you want it to appear at the end of the previous line, you add the Segno to the measure at the end of the line.
Next you select the Segno sign and in the Inspector change the aligment to Right aligned.

Thank you, I figured it out. I add the segno to the preceding measure, select it, and then I can choose in the inspector to right justify it, which places it at the end of the measure. All good.

In reply to by Soolip

This still doesn't make sense, though. How would a musician know that you mean the exact opposite of what everyone else means when you place a segno? It's virtually universal in all published music that a segno goes to the left; I've literally never seen a single exception in my life and probably most other musicians haven't either. And thus they would almost certainly be as confused by your score as I am by your question. Is it possible you are misunderstanding something about the score you are trying to reproduce? Or is it possible the editor of that score made a mistake? Can you show an image from the original?

This is an early music convention, particularly in Italy. In opera scores, the segno always marks the end of the first section. At the end of the second, and sometimes third section, the Da Capo is marked "Da Capo fino al segno", which means "repeat from the beginning and finish at the sign". Thus, the segno must appear at the end of a bar rather than the beginning.

In reply to by Soolip

OK, thanks for the info! Would still be interesting to see a published example, so we can consider the best way to perhaps support this convention in the future. But it does seem simply changing the alignment does the job for now?

EDIT: actually if I'm understanding corresponding, it's really functioning as a Fine, or a To Coda? Then maybe better still would be to actually add one of those symbols and edit the text to use the segno symbol instead (via the F2 "Special Characters" palette). Then playback and export would also work correctly.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, it functions as a Fine. The only reason I can think that it wasn't written as such is that it's only a "Fine" the last time it's played — it is a rondo, and the first section is repeated twice. I've also seen manuscripts where there is no sign, only a fermata. The fermata is not played the first time through, only at the end, but this was understood by musicians at the time. Sometimes this is written as D.C. al (fermata symbol), but usually just D.C.

Thanks for your insight re playback and export.

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