How do you add markings (specifically measure numbers and rehearsal marks) to two staves in the same bar?

• Jun 26, 2021 - 17:46

I am writing a piece that needs to meet very specific formatting requirements. One of these requirements is that all markings (tempo, measure #'s, rehearsal marks, etc) need to be above both the 1st staff in the score (flutes) and above the 1st violins staff. This is also pretty standard for orchestral notation so it would be nice to know how to do this without having to create a new staff text for each measure number. Thank you!


AFAIK there don't be simple adjustments for it.
What's possible for measure numbering, is to select in format->style...->measure numbers "all staves". Then select a measure number for each staff where the measure numbers shall not appear via right click->select->all similar in the same staff and press "v" or deselect "visible" in the inspector.
For a rehearsal mark copy and paste it, deselect "autoplacement" in the inspector and adjust the vertical offset.

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